I've mentioned before that I have Deathly Hallows on CD and that I listened to it in my car... probably 4 times in 2011. It may have also be 5 or 6 times. In the beginning, it was because I was doing a lot of travel between Long Island and Albany and I was getting bored with finding new radio stations in the mountain areas. And dealing with my old music CDs skipping because I don't have an AUX and don't feel like buying myself a new radio/iPod connector. Then, I listened to it some more because the morning shows in the Albany area are pretty... awful? Yes. Awful. Then, my friend gifted me Half-Blood Prince on audio and so, of course, I listened to both books back to back.
I took a break from the HP listening to listen to Christmas music. My HP obsession is pretty level with my Christmas obsession. But, now that Christmas is over.... Listen, I tried giving the Albany stations another chance. But I hate them all. The jockey's voices irritate me on what should be a soothing car ride. So now, I want to use the rest of my Christmas money to buy Order of the Phoenix and start again.
Is that... bad?
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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Book 5)
Too funny! I just started to re-reading Deathly Hallows yesterday.