Tuesday, August 28, 2012

30-Day Book Challenge - Day 29

Day 29 - A Book That Makes You Cry

Every. Single. Time. I do also get emotional whenever Cedric Diggory, Sirius Black and Dumbledore die in previous years. But this book - it kills me every time. First there's Snape. I start crying the moment his Patronus shows up as a doe. Then, when he dies and hands his memories over to Harry and we relive all of the years Snape loved Lily, the grief he felt when he lost her,... "Always." And then Lupin and Tonks! Fred Weasley! Right up to the very end when Harry scolds his son - Albus Severus. Oh man - I'm pretty much crying as I write this. 


  1. My big moment in this book is when Harry is walking into the woods towards Voldemort with the ghosts of his parents, Lupin, and Sirius. In general this gets me all choked up, but when he turns to his mom and whispers, "Stay with me," that ALWAYS puts me over the edge. I remember when I first read this book, I literally was raining tears on the page.

    1. Oh gosh, same. So much to cry about in this book.

  2. My big sob book is definitely The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. There aren't a lot of books that elicit a similar reaction from me, and it was heartbreakingly beautiful. Have you read?

    1. No, I haven't. I've been given it to read, but I've never really had an interest. Not that I haven't heard awesome things about it. It's just one of those titles I'm being really stubborn about for no good reason at all.


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